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13 inch Baseball Glove
Coming in with large expectations, a 13 inch baseball glove can help you cover the field. This size glove gives you the ultimate reach and flexibility to make the best defensive plays this season. The abundant size and power in a 13 inch baseball glove is a strong suit for first baseman and outfielders. Worn by serious defenders, these 13" baseball gloves will be a great edition to your equipment arsenal.
13" Glove for First Base
First baseman have a very interactive position. They must always be aware of the base runner and need to be ready for incoming throws. The 13 inch baseball glove has a crazy wide body and the deepest pockets, so there's no way you'll let anything get past you this season. The web designs are also spectacular for increasing your field of vision. The popular double and single H webbing allows you to see through and track down the baseball. Especially if you have to stretch out and dig into the dirt, you need all the visibility you can get.
13 inch Outfield Gloves
Outfielders can also benefit greatly from these style 13 inch baseball gloves. Thirteen inches of glove doesn't seem like a lot in comparison to an entire outfield, but every inch counts. The large pocket style, transparent webbing and wide body is a blessing for any outfielder. One of the worst enemies of a fielder is the sun. A lot of the time players use their glove to block it out but risk not having their glove in the right position. The visibility through the webbing makes it easy to locate a pop fly while keeping your glove open and ready. Plus, the 13 inch size allows for a nice sized shield to fight off the sun. Infielders other than first baseman typically have smaller gloves for easier transitions to their throws. . A 13 inch baseball glove can slow things down which can cost you a double play, so that is why a 13 inch baseball glove is considered for first base and the outfield only. A brand new 13 inch baseball glove from baseball bargains is only a click away!